Monday, January 26, 2009

I did a puzzle too!

Look! I did this puzzle this weekend with my co-workers while Steve was in Utah. There are two pieces that got vaccuumed up as you can see!

I was reminded more this weekend about hope and faith. Last night Steve and I read the article by Elder Uchdorf from last General Conference. I would recommend that you all read it. I don't like the feelings of despair, sadness and depression that so many are experiencing! There is SO much to be grateful for!

I am extremely grateful for my health. I was watching the news on Sunday, January 25th. That was the 1 year anniversary of the Monte Carlo fire here in Las Vegas! I was in the hospital a year ago, and I am so grateful NOT to be there now!

I love you all!

Steve and Kjerstin

Sunday, January 25, 2009

new job, puzzle, running, etc.

Thanks to everyone for their fasting and prayers on our behalf.  I know that was the main reason I was able to find a job so quickly.  It has been nice to have time over the past couple weeks to just relax and spend time with Jen and the boys.  I think losing my job was really a blessing because now I have a better job, I'm getting paid more, and I spent a lot of time with my family.  Heavenly Father knows what's best for us - better than what we think is best.  

On New Year's Eve we decided to go to Wal-Mart to buy a puzzle.  I am keeping the New Year's Eve puzzle tradition alive!  It took me 17 hours to finish it.  I think I was up until like 2:00 a.m. on New Year's Eve and then I finally finished it around midnight on New Year's day.  Here's the final product.  

I was so proud of it, that I didn't put it away until last week.  I think Jen was glad when I finally did.  I know she didn't want to ruin my masterpiece!

As you may have seen, I decided to start training to run a 5k.  Initially I wanted to run a marathon this year, but after I did a little research, I decided that I probably needed to work up to the point where I could run a marathon.  I am quite the novice when it comes to running - I don't think I even knew how long a marathon was (if you didn't know either, it's a little over 26 miles). Everything I read suggested that you run for at least a year before attempting to train for a marathon.  I thought I could be superman, but Jen talked some sense into me and I decided to start with a smaller goal first.  I really don't care about running that much - this is more my way of shedding some pounds.  

If you haven't seen already, I posted some pictures of the family onto facebook from when we were little.  I thought it would be fun to reminisce.  Here's the link if you haven't seen them.

Other than that, I started another semester at school.

I'll see everyone at Kyle's wedding!  

Ugly Pictures of Mom

Hello Everyone! I think Tyler and Jen have an awesome suggestion to start our own family blog! I hope you all follow along! Our life is pretty quiet without you kidlets at home. But we do manage to stay busy. We have had an awfully cold January with temperatures below zero. In fact, we have to bundle up with blankets to go into the family room. We've had a record amount of snow too. I don't mind the snow. I think it is pretty and peaceful, unless it's still snowing in May, then I'm pretty sick of it! Work is going good in the Fairlawn store. My classroom area is starting to look like "me"! I must say it looks alot nicer than it did with the previous education coordinator. She didn't have any samples up. The economy has affected our class sales though, so that's not very good. I had lunch with Francie Davis Coe last week. It was so fun to see her. Her face exudes peace and happiness, so I was glad to see that. It was also gratifying to hear her say how much our family was a part of her life - and how much she loves us. That felt really good. Her new husband seems like a really good guy. We are looking forward to Kyle and Jessy's wedding! I still need to find me a dress!!!!!!!!!! I might have to make me one. We'll see. I love you all my kidlets.......even if you do post ugly pictures of me. Oh well, I'll have to use that as a motivation to lose some weight and to stop making faces when you take my picture! Congratulations Tyler on finding a job so quick! And Happy Birthday to 3 year old Isaac! See you all soon!

January in St. Louis

Well, obviously the biggest thing that happened here was Tyler getting a job offer.  He officially starts this week and we are very excited! It is a great opportunity for him and a great company.  We definitely feel as though our prayers have been answered and I am so grateful for Tyler and his optimism and hard work.  I know that is why he was able to find something so quickly in such a hard job market.  
The boys are doing great.  Luke is excited to be back at preschool after a long Christmas break.  He is learning how to recognize and write his last name right now.  He has his kindergarten screening tomorrow! I can't believe we are talking about him starting kindergarten. KG is full day here, and I can't imagine a whole day without Luke here! Isaac is as cute and funny as ever.  He is really into Spider-man and wants a spider man cake for his birthday.  He is excited about that too.  I can't believe he is almost 3! He likes to play spider man with Dad. Isaac plays spider man and Daddy is the lizard from the movie that Emily gave the boys for Christmas. He is like Tyler in more that just looks.  He is a pretty big tease.  He is the one teasing Luke the most, instead of the normal big brother teasing the little brother.  
We are really excited to see you all in Feb. for Kyle and Jessy's wedding! The boys and I fly out the 17th and Tyler will hopefully be out on the 18th, maybe the 19th.  The boys are very excited too! 
See ya soon,
The St. Louis Erickson's 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The ADORABLE Ericksons!

I LOVE THIS PICTURE! Thought you all would enjoy!

Congrats to Tyler!

Hello Fam!

Tyler, I think your resolutions are great and also attainable ones! I admire you for the 5K thing...I just don't think I'm cut out for that! Anyway, just wanted to give Kudos to Tyler for getting a job offer! I think that his supportive wife, family and his smiling disposition and eternal optimism has always pulled him through hard times! I'm proud of you!

Kjerstin and Steve

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tyler's New Year's Resolutions

I have been thinking over the last week or so what my New Year's Resolutions will be and even though it's past the 1st, it's never too late to make goals, right!  I wanted to post them here because I figured if I write them down and tell people what they are, I will be more likely to accomplish my goals.

So, here they are.

1. Find a job!  (I don't think that will take all year though)
2. Run a 5k on Saturday, April 18th in Forest Park.
3. Read the scriptures every day and read the Sunday school lesson every week.
4. Go to the temple at least once a month, and take family file names every time I go.