Monday, February 2, 2009

A New Chapter...Again

Well. I have been reflecting the past few weeks on this new segment of my life. I'm done with college, well the first part at least. And now I'm working fulltime! I have a real job in the real world. It's kind of weird but I actually really like it. Work pretty much consumes my life. And as such it cuts out a lot of other things I used to put time into. Don't worry mom and dad, I still have a's just different. I don't get to see my friends as much just because of our schedules but it's ok. I LOVE LOVE LOVE what I do. I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. Not at all. I love it! It makes me happy and I know I'm doing something important. The kids I work with really are a joy to me...most of the time. The program I work in is doing so well and I have had numerous people tell me it is because of me. Well, I can't take all the credit but I would surely like to think I have made an impact for these kids. They are every bit as deserving of a good life as anyone else. They are just normal kids who've run into some problems. I truly believe that. I have so much fun teasing them and teaching them. It's an all encompassing job. It hurts my feelings when people look down on these kids because they're in a "group home." So many of them were not raised in ideal surroundings and as a result have made poor choices. But I have seen so many kids turn their life around and get themselves going in a better direction. It's amazing to see and be a part of! Anyway, this is a new chapter for me because I have lost touch with some other things in my life, but I don't really care because what I am doing is the direction I want my life to go. :) As long as I am happy...and I am.


  1. "Man is that he may have joy". I'm glad you're happy Whitney! Love yoU!

  2. You're awesome! Having a job where you make is difference and are happy is worth more than millions! Can't wait to see you!

  3. We sure are proud of you Whitney! You have a great power to influence others for good with your sparkling disposition! You are such a hard worker...that's something that I have always admired about you. Love you!
